WE SPEAK: OPEN-LY! \ Dreams of Stone, Mouth to Mouth Republic Theatre
- TypeTheatre / dance
- Placestart: Hol Kasetonowy (II p. Zach. Skrzydło)
- Hour g. 19
- Date 20.08.2020
- Price 30
The keys clanked, the lock grated. Hoarse from
all the silence, bemused by the roughness of the walls, the old edifice began
its tale.
There are places which have much to tell. And there are those no one wants to
listen to. Can the erstwhile Imperial Castle speak at all? Come and listen to
what the century-old walls dream about. Let it open itself for you.
Join us for a performance by Mouth to Mouth Republic Theatre, with its quite
unorthodox tour of the renovated historical interiors in the West Wing of the
Castle. Mute for so many years, the Castle suddenly spoke. Treated unjustly by
history and people, it now has a chance to tell its own story, which is not at
all like the official guides about the former Imperial Quarter. Instead of a
grand narrative that paints a monumental picture, the Castle reveals its dreams
of stone, the unreal, humorous and wild stories, though still inspired by
actual events.
The performance is accompanied by an audio play. For this reason, viewers are
asked to bring their own headphones and phones with internet access. For your
comfort of wandering through the Castle, please wear comfortable shoes as well.