ZAMEK Culture Centre is an interdisciplinary institution,
presenting the most interesting phenomena of contemporary culture, in
which the interwoven threads of visual arts, theatre, cinema, music and
literature penetrate and complement one another. Our goal is to cater
for the diverse needs of the audience and to develop the individual
competence and sensibilities of its members. We also wish to be a venue
of artistic experiment, by providing the artists with opportunities and
conditions in which their work may take shape and be encountered by the
We desire to be a place that is open, a place where
ideas, notion and views may be freely exchanged. Since our profile is a
public one, we find that the collaboration with our immediate
surroundings is exceedingly important. No less important is supporting
social bonding and encouraging discussion about the crucial issues of
the local community. Given the fact that the institution resides in a
former imperial castle, an exceptional witness of the 20th-century
European history, the reflection on history and its impact on the
present day are also an eminent item on our agenda.
prof. Marek Krajewski
Socjolog kultury
Piotr Klimek
Dyrektor Teatru Animacji
dr Karolina Sikorska
Jakub Głaz
Krytyk architektury
dr Justyna Makowska
Dyrektor Wydziału Kultury Urzędu Miasta Poznania
Marek Sternalski
Radny Miasta Poznania
Klaudia Strzelecka
Radna Miasta Poznania