ZAMEK Culture Centre

AMOROSO | dir. Janusz Orlik | TEATR KLUCZ im. W. Deneki

Performance will be presented on March 6 and 7.

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Endeavour therefore to withdraw thy heart from the love of visible things, and to turn thyself to the invisible.” (Thomas à Kempis)

Following „Tranquillo” and „Intermezzo”, two award-winning and critically acclaimed productions, Teatr Klucz returns to stage with „Amoroso”, a sincere and intimate show in which artists tell a tale of love, in its various forms. They do it endlessly, with devotion and without remorse. To the end. Without end.

„Amoroso” is for lovers and loved ones, for the happy and pleased. For the lost and the abandoned.

 This thought-provoking production asks: What love really means to you? Do you love sincerely? Are you willing to love at all? What are you willing to sacrifice for love? On stage, we will see the whole spectrum of human emotional states and behaviour reflecting the different facets of love.

A poetic, oneiric, unhurried performance combining various means of stage expression, with particular emphasis on dance, stage movement and improvisation. Small parts of the spoken text will be translated into Polish sign language.

The choreography of „Amoroso” is the result of collaborative work by Teatr Klucz ensemble and its artistic supervisor, Janusz Orlik (

Klucz Theatre is one of the few theatre companies in Poland formed of artists with disabilities, who have achieved a high level of professionalism despite having no formal training. The group's earlier performance, „Tranquillo”, received the Main Prize of ‘The Best OFF’ Competition for the best independent theater performance in 2022.

 The artists of Teatr Klucz are participants of the ‘Przylesie’ Occupational Therapy Workshop run by the Na Tak Association. The group began working in 2006 with the establishment of a theater workshop under the leadership of therapist Hanna Rynowiecka and actor Wojciech Deneka and since 2016 has been working at the Zamek Cultural Centre being its permanent resident. Since 2021 Janusz Orlik became group’s leader, as well as director and choreographer of subsequent productions. The same year a professional performer also joined the ensemble.

direction, set design, music arrangement: Janusz Orlik

choreography: Janusz Orlik with the ensemble of Teatr Klucz
choreographer’s assistant: Antek Kurjata
cast: Mariusz Józefiak, Jarosław Kubiak, Antek Kurjata, Daniel Laskowski, Lidia Piskorska, Piotr Roszak, Karol Solski, Magdalena Szalbierz, Arkadiusz Żmijewski
costumes: Agnieszka Ostrowska
light design: Arkadiusz Kuczyński, Janusz Orlik
therapeutic care: Hanna Rynowiecka
interpretation into Polish Sign Language: Karina Akseńczuk
audio description: Marcin Głowiński
production: ZAMEK Culture Centre

A performance produced by ZAMEK Culture Centre in Poznań, presented as part of the Europe Beyond Access project, thanks to a grant from the Creative Europe programme.


Teatr Klucz works and prepares performances at ZAMEK Culture Centre in Poznań. Its artistic leader is Janusz Orlik, a dancer and creator of dance performances.

Teatr Klucz has already created an staged many performances. A two years ago, one of them won the competition for the best independent performance in Poland!

Now Teatr Klucz has prepared a new performance called "Amoroso". This word means: caressingly, with love. So the performance will be about different types of love.

That day, will see its premiere, i.e. the first presentation of the show for the audience.

On the stage, we will see nine artists (most of them: with learning disabilities) who will move, dance and speak a bit. The words will be translated into Polish sign language.

"Amoroso" will be shown with audio description - people who cannot see will receive headphones in which they will hear a description of everything that is happening on the stage.


 ·       A movement performance with some spoken text translated into Polish sign language;

·       A performance presented with audio description;

·       Recommended age: 14+;

·       Duration: approx. 60 minutes;

·       Tickets: PLN 40 (n), PLN 30 (r)
A person accompanying a person with a disability is entitled to a ticket for PLN 1. The ticket can be purchased at the CK ZAMEK box office, on website and on the website. Look for a ticket called "assistant of a person with a disability". Tickets for assistants will be verified based on the purchased standard ticket for a person with a disability and upon presentation of a declaration/certificate of disability.

·       Viewers sit on chairs placed in the amphitheatrical audience (max. 200 people). The seats are not numbered; we provide wheelchair users with seats in the first row;

·       The amphitheatrical audience is located in front of the stage. Distance from the performance space to the first row of the audience: approx. 2 m

·       People with alternative motor skills and/or having problems with movement will be invited to enter the auditorium first,

·       Louder music appears in some scenes of the performance.

·       In some scenes of the performance, the hall is in semi-darkness.

·       In some scenes of the performance, intense, changing light appears.

·       How to get here? Entrance to the ZAMEK Culture Centre is currently difficult due to renovation. Please pay attention to the signs indicating the direction to the main entrance and to the entrance for wheelchairs users. We can provide assistance to people visually impaired in moving around the ZAMEK Culture Centre and in reaching the building from the immediate vicinity. If you need support in this, please write to Anna Pawłowska: or call: 61 64 65 254.

·       For people who like to know what to expect in a new place, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the pre-guide to CK ZAMEK and the list of toilets for people with mobility disabilities.

·       More information in the 'Accessibility' tab on our website:



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