ZAMEK Culture Centre


Performance by Katarzyna Żeglicka as part of Europe Beyond Access.

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The performance tells the her/history of the Wildergrown One, a representative of the Homo Non-Binarius species.  

Living among the Homo sapiens, they disrupt the order and conventions the latter established. Like a weed, they happen to be considered undesirable and incompatible with the normal surroundings. Apparently, they were to be a vegetable. Characterized by resilience and ability to adapt to adverse conditions. Representatives of the Homo sapiens have found them to be capable of autonomous existence. Dressed with fertilizer in the morning and evening, day and night. Their body will decompose faster than the packaging of the substances she has taken.

In The Wildergrown, Żeglicka delves into own experience of a person with a chronic condition, exploring corporeal presence and personal relationship with the (eco)system. They seek answers to a number of questions: what do we know about sick bodies? What do anthropocentrism, normocentrism and ableism have in common? How does non-normative identity resonate with the ecosystem? What changes take place in a non-normative and chronically ill body and how does this affect the ecosystem?

The work also derives much inspiration from Żeglicka’s conversations with activists and artivists with disabilities, crip and queer advocates as well as from books such as Beasts of Burden by Sunaura Taylor, The Undying: Pain, vulnerability, mortality, medicine, art, time, dreams, data, exhaustion, cancer, and care by Anne Boyer and Patyki i badyle by Urszula Zajączkowska.

Katarzyna Żeglicka is a genderqueer, crip theatre educator and cultural animator, independent performer, dancer and choreographer; certified trainer of WenDo, a self-defence and assertiveness technique for women and girls. Graduate of a one-year course in choreography under the guidance of Iwona Olszowska. They have acquired skills and professional experience in Poland and abroad, participating in numerous workshops and choreographic laboratories, artistic residencies and collaborating with the acclaimed European performing artists. Contributor in the social campaign I Am An Artist


In their own words: “I treat my presence on stage as a political act. It is my artistic form of resistance against a patriarchal, ableist and capitalist reality. What I propose is meant to be a performative and radical gesture, challenging the established aesthetic and social norms. I don’t want new normativity. I am committed to diversity and respect for human rights. I work for the recognition of the value and competence of persons with disabilities—including my own—as fully-fledged citizens and creators. Both in Poland and abroad, I speak up for the rights of artists with disabilities, draw attention to the limited development opportunities they have and insufficient creative support structures.”

The Wildergrown was created in 2022 as part of the Krakow City Hall Creative Grant.

Conceived, choreographed and performed by: Katarzyna Żeglicka

Stage design: Katarzyna Żeglicka

Sound design: Joanna Piwowar-Antosiewicz

Costumes: Agnieszka Ostrowska

Choreographic consultants: Zofia Noworól-Ostrowska, Alicja Czyczel

Creative process documented by: Emil Zaremba

Audiodescription: Marcin Głowiński (script by: Barbara Pasterak)

PSL interpreter: Karina Akseńczuk


This performance is shown as part of the Europe Beyond Access project, thanks to a grant from the Creative Europe programme.


Ø Movement performance with a small amount of spoken text, which is displayed as subtitles and interpreted into Polish Sign Language.

Ø Performance with audiodescription

Ø Suggested age: 16+ (the performance is metaphorical, stage design includes numerous medication packagings)

Ø Duration: approx. 45 minutes

Ø Tickets: PLN 30 (regular), PLN 20 (reduced), PLN 1 (for assistant(s) of persons with disability).
Person assisting a person with disability is entitled to a PLN 1 entrance pass. The entrance pass may be purchased at the CK ZAMEK ticket office, on the Zamek’s website and at Please look for the ticket with the description “assistant of a person with disability / asystent osoby z niepełnosprawnością”. Entrance tickets for assistants(s) will be verified in combination with the ticket purchased for a person with disability and the disability certificate.

Ø Audience members may take their seats in chairs arranged in a semicircle around the stage; the seats are not numbered; maximum capacity of the auditorium: approx. 80 persons; distance from the stage to the first row of the auditorium: approx. 1-2 m; wheelchair users are ensured places in the front rows and have priority when entering the auditorium.

Ø Several scenes in the performance include louder music.

Ø During several scenes the illumination is reduced, with the auditorium in semi-darkness.

Ø How to get here? At present, entering ZAMEK Culture Centre may be difficult due to ongoing construction work. Please look for signs indicating the route to the main entrance and the entrance for wheelchair users. We can provide assistance to persons with visual impairments, to help you reach the building once you arrive in the area and move around on CK ZAMEK premises. If you require such support, please contact Anna Pawłowska at or call us at 61 64 65 254.

Ø  for those who like to know what to expect in a new place, we recommend reading our pre-guide to CK ZAMEK and the list of facilities for persons withmobility impairments 

Ø  to find out more, go to the “Accessibility” tab on our website:


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