Liliana Zeic
Piskorska, born 1988, is a visual artist with a doctoral degree in fine arts.
Graduate of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in
Toruń, and a student of the University of Warsaw in 2011. In 2017, Piskorska
defended her doctoral dissertation entitled The
Desire for Contact at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Toruń (supervised by
Elżbieta Jabłońska). Member of Grupa nad Wisłą since 2013. Finalist of the
Forecast Forum at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin (2017). Winner of
the Audience Award at Spojrzenia 2019, and recipient of the Deutsche Bank Prize.
Her work is concerned with social issues approached from the standpoint of
radical sensibility rooted in practice and non-heteronormativity, as the artist
reflects on its structure and potentialities; Piskorska also conducts research
concerned with the place of the Other in state-level policies.
Artist Liliana Piskorska undertakes to study the narratives created as part of the conspiracy theory of the so-called cultural Marxism, and hold a series of meetings enabling emotional processing of the right-wing discourse. The theory of “cultural Marxism” has become an established part of the European political and social discourse, fuelled by the conviction that despite the collapse of communism it is still indirectly practiced by way of the “left-wing war of attrition”. The efforts of the “fifth column” behind it, otherwise known as the equality policy of the EU, are allegedly evinced in promoting disintegration of the traditional family model, in championing the equality of women and sexual minorities, as well as in the apology of human rights and the leftist ecological discourse. Such actions are considered strategies aimed at re-introduction of the socialist-communist system. In Poland, the theory was embraced by the radical right-wing milieus, whence it penetrated into the media and political mainstream where it stayed for good.
Liliana Piskorska’s project relies heavily on the concept of “deep story”
developed by Arlie Russell Hochschild, as it accounts for the development of
radical right and conservative political positions and social behaviours. “A
deep story is a feels-as-if story—it’s the story the feelings tell, in the
language of symbols. It removes judgment. It removes fact. It tells us how
things feel.” In her studio, the artist is going to create a space of perception
and a venue of events. The series of performative-discursive meetings she will
carry out there, will enable emotional processing of the right-wing discourse,
in accordance with the concept that “[m]ore than ever, truth requires an
emotional delivery system that speaks to experience, memory and hope.” (Post-Truth: The New War on Truth and How to
Fight Back, Matthew d’Ancona, 2018).
Oś czasu
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