Nadia Lichtig
Nadia Lichtig has studied art and linguistics, a double training that she
brings together in her artistic practice. Lichtig’s work is articulating
questions about language, memory and trauma, investigating the bodily spaces
that linguistic conditions move us into. In her multilayered series, collected
testimonies are transposed in various media, investing how images are created,
from stories that have been told. Lichtig uses a wide range of media such as
photography, painting, performance and sound. Each medium is approached not as
an area to be mastered, but as a source of possibilities to question our
ability to decipher the present.
MUIJ UTEK \ April–May 2020
Muij Utek is a project that retraces the fleeing route of my grandmother from the concentration camp Zamosc in Poland through the Carpates back to Hungary, Budapest. This happens in form of various media which are print, sound, performance, painting and video. Muij Utek is relating first of all to the story that my grandmother has told me. I’m interpreting here the inner images and emotions that are related to this story, mediated by the voice of my grandmother. The memories to this story are — in a contradictory way — warm memories. The work is questioning memory and how memory changes. It questions the relation of memory to fiction, and it questions which images can be made out of memories. During the residency I want continue and finalize this series in form of a video.