ZAMEK Culture Centre

WESELE \ director: Janusz Stolarski \ Teatr Pod Fontanną

“Over a century ago, Wyspiański’s «Wesele» («The Wedding») vivisected Polish society, sparing no one. He took all Polish skeletons out of the closet, reopened old and new wounds. His diagnosis was followed by a suggestion of possible therapy, which none decided to undergo.  On the contrary, offended guests of the wedding in Bronowice cursed the author at the premiere in Cracow. Wyspiański’s diagnosis does not seem to have become obsolete. Guest are most welcome to the Wesele”, its director, Janusz Stolarski, announced before the premiere.

Drawing on the classic drama by Stanisław Wy­spiański, the authors of the performance sought to render the atmosphere of the wedding party as well as possible. The lively music, the dances, the thoro­ughly chaotic and stifling ambience are as important as the selected excerpts from the original. Many roles are double-cast, which in greatly compelling manner amplifies the iconicity of characters known to the spectators (for instance the role of the Bride is played by an actress which has only just began her stage career and the nearly centenarian star of TEATR POD FONTANNĄ, Urszula Matuszewska). The artistic value of the performance did not go unnoticed, as it qualified for the finals of „The Best OFF” - Competition for the Best Independent Theater Performance in Poland.

premiere: May 25th, 2017

TEATR POD FONTANNĄ is an informal group created in 2016 as part of the Common Theatre programme. It is composed of people attending theatre studios at two centres run by the Association of Persons and Families for Mental Health Zrozumieć i Pomóc, which works towards social and vocational rehabilitation of persons who have been affected by a mental crisis. TEATR POD FONTANNĄ can boast four performances developed year after year in the course of the project, all of which have been splendidly received by the critics and the audience.

Responsible for artistic supervision is Janusz Stolarski, a direc­tor and actor with extensive experience acquired in both traditional and fringe theatres. Stolarski is a master of monodrama, creator of one-person performances which won awards and honorary men­tions at a number of competitions and international festivals.

Working on the premieres of TEATR POD FONTANNĄ, the director invites the collaboration of musicians and stage designers whose contribution guarantees that the desired effect is achieved.

Performance is a part of the COMMON THEATRE - authorial performative project realize by Zamek Culture Centre in Poznan, which brings us performances created by people from milieus facing social or disability-related exclusion. The eponymous “commonness” denotes first and foremost the universal need to find oneself in a creative process. It is also a token of our intentions and efforts to make theatre created by the disabled or persons facing social exclusion a fully-fledged artistic phenomenon.

The performances are also accompanied by educational activities and workshops. COMMON THEATRE aspires for an equally powerful effect on the active participants and the audience alike. The effort of overcoming barriers and stereotypes should be made by both.

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Janusz Stolarski - aktor, absolwent PWST im. Solskiego w Krakowie. Występował w: Drugim Studio Wrocławskim, Państwowym Teatrze w Kielcach, Teatrze Polskim w Poznaniu, grupie teatralnej Sekta Lecha Raczaka, Teatrze Ósmego Dnia w Poznaniu, Teatrze im. Kochanowskiego w Opolu, Teatrze Studio w Warszawie i Orbis Tertius Trzecim Teatrze Lecha Raczaka. Gościnnie brał udział między innymi w spektaklach „Don Juan” i „tryptyk wyspiański” w Teatrze Starym w Krakowie, „Rzeźnia Lila Róż” Teatru Usta Usta w reżyserii Marcina Libera oraz „Przypadki Pana von K.” Polskiego Teatru Tańca. Od 1994 roku współtworzy Stowarzyszenie Teatralne ANTRAKT. Jest laureatem wielu nagród za monodramy, w tym Grand Prix na Ogólnopolskim Festiwalu Teatrów Jednego Aktora w Toruniu (1991) za „Ecce Homo”, nagrody specjalnej Jury Drugiego Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Monodramów Krajów Nadbałtyckich – Kowno 2010 za spektakl “Kod” i wielu innych. Prowadzi warsztaty teatralne w kraju i za granicą (Niemcy, Rumunia, Mołdawia, Hiszpania, Francja). Od 2016r. współpracuje z Teatrem pod Fontanną w ramach zamkowego projektu "Teatr powszechny".

Teatr pod Fontanną składa się z członków pracowni teatralnych działających przy „Domach pod fontanną” - dwóch ośrodkach zajmujących się rehabilitacją społeczno-zawodową osób po kryzysach psychicznych.

Spektakl prezentowany w ramach „Teatru powszechnego” – całorocznego, autorskiego projektu performatywnego realizowanego przez Centrum Kultury ZAMEK w Poznaniu od 2016r., złożonego z przedstawień tworzonych przez środowiska osób zagrożonych wykluczeniem ze względu na stan zdrowia czy status społeczny.


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