ZAMEK Culture Centre

OBECNOŚĆ / PRESENCE: Warsztat: Chór solistów. Praca z biografią w solowej formie teatralnej w stylu dowolnym

Workshop: A choir of soloists. Working with biography in a solo theatre form in free style
 (workshop accompanying the presentation of the spectacle "Hamer" on 8 November 2022)

conducted by Justyna Sobczyk, the director, theatre educator and founder of Teatr 21.

 The thought-provoking performative taunt, in a form of a sit-up, prepared in collaboration with Karolina Hamer and Magdalena Staroszczyk, allows you to go beyond the previous narratives about yourself.
It's said that "the worse the day the better the stand up", there is something to it!
We will try to take a fresh look at our history from a distance, with kindness and a sense of humour.
What if I was to tell the story of my life in 15 minutes? What would I choose? What would I emphasise as significant today? What would I remove? change? Or would I add anything? Yes, it is possible!
In a safe atmosphere, working together, we will take a fresh approach to our biography, looking for a stage image for it.

The workshop is inclusive in nature. Everyone is welcome - with or without stage experience, with or without disabilities.


Photo by G. Press. Black & white portrait of a woman with short, fair hair and delicate freckles. She is gazing straight into the camera.

Projekt „Obecność” korzysta z dotacji w wysokości 290 000,00 euro z Islandii, Liechtensteinu i Norwegii za pośrednictwem funduszy EOG. Wspólnie działamy na rzecz Europy zielonej, konkurencyjnej i sprzyjającej integracji społecznej.

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