ZAMEK Culture Centre

FESTIVAL OF THE PLOT \ or the necessity of fiction \ 17-21.11.

ZAMEK Culture Centre proudly presents the fourth edition of the Festival of the Plot. We are looking for important new stories, protagonists and languages that expand the imagination and enable people to communicate better. We wish to nurture multivocal, profound discussion on and around literature, and thus address our reality, morals, social change and political developments. 

This year’s edition of the Festival includes meetings, a debate, the ceremony of the Poznań Literary Award, as well as lectures in the series “The Canon Revisited”, during which outstanding and charismatic Polish scholars will interpret books from the school reading list in the light of the latest approaches in humanities.

Film to wypowiedź kuratora festiwalu. Stoi w parku, na tle budynku Zamku i opowiada o tegorocznej edycji Festiwalu Fabuły. Pod koniec nagrania pojawia się plansza z identyfikacją wizualną.

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