HEROES\choreography:\Sara Lu, Rubén Nsue\ RambaZamba Theater (Germany)
TypeTheatre / dance
PlaceSala Wielka
Hour g. 20
Date 11.12.2018
Price (n) 30 zł, (u) 20
RambaZamba Theater from Berlin comes back with another guest show as part of our Common Theatre. This time, it is going to be a collage-like, dance-filled performance in which the colours of a vivid life, pop-art and neo-expressionism blend with the grey and blackish hues of alienation, death longing, racism, drugs and darkness, all diving in sounds of hip-hop and jazz.
years after the death of Jean-Michel
Basquiat, the figure of the young hero of NY art world comes alive on stage.
And it is heroes we
are celebrating, but a question lingers there all the same:
what if heroes are outcasts who do not fit the social norms.