IN PRAISE OF FREEDOM \ St. Martin Street Name Day
TypeCity space
Placecentrum miasta / przestrzenie CK ZAMEK
Hour g. 10.30
Date 11.11.2018
Soon enough, we are going to meet for the
joint celebrations of St. Martin Street Name Day! This year, things will be
exceptionally festive since the name day coincides with the centennial of
Polish independence.
On November 11th, St. Martin’s Parade will
set out from the grounds of Poznań International Fair, proceed along Bukowska
Street and then across Kaponiera to the stage in Mickiewicz Square. Participating
in the procession there will be animators, street artists, musicians, reenactors,
representatives of NGOs, school pupils and members of informal groups. Some of
the city’s quarters will have their
“troops” marching there as well: Stare Miasto, Łazarz and Jeżyce.
Workshops for families will be held throughout the day in the marquee set up in the car park in front of the, while the traditional St. Martin’s Croissant Fair will be taking place in Aleja Niepodległości, along with a slew of stalls with handcrafted merchandise.
In the evening, join us for a live concert of Lao Che, after which the sky above our city will be lit up by a laser show.
hr 10.30-13
workshops for families / The Marquee
hr 11-21
Croisssant Fair / Al. Niepodległości
(from ul. Św. Marcin to ul. Fredry and
in Św. Marcin from ul. Kościuszki to Al. Niepodległości)
hr 12-20
cinematic experience of the old Poznań / The Grand Hall
hr 13.30
St. Martin’s Parade,
starting at MTP (ul. Bukowska) to Pl. A. Mickiewicza
approx. hr 14
The City Keys
Ceremony, featuring Mayor of Poznań / Pl. A. Mickiewicza
hr 14.15
live concert: Koło Jana /
Pl. A. Mickiewicza
hr 14.30
live concert: Bubliczki /
Pl. A. Mickiewicza
hr 15-18
Demonstron-building workshops for the young and adults /The
hr 20
live concert: Lao Che / Pl. A. Mickiewicza
approx. hr 21.30
Laser show / Pl. A. Mickiewicza
St. Martin Street Name Day 2018 is a part of the programme In Praise of Freedom, running all year at ZAMEK Culture Centre. Through the programme, we reflect on the idea of freedom and strive to forge a community that is aware, active, and responsible.
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Z okazji Imienin Ulicy Św. Marcin przygotowaliśmy pamiątkowe gadżety, które można zakupić w naszym punkcie informacyjnym.
Imieninowe gadżety:
- torby / 10 zł,
- chustki wielofunkcyjne / 13 zł,
- przypinki / 3 zł,
- magnesy / 5 zł.