TOUCH_ME \ tanzbar_bremen
TypeTheatre / dance
PlaceThe Grand Hall
Hour g. 19
Date 8.05.2018
Price 30 (regular), 20 (reduced)
touch_me is a
performance about the communication of bodies, and yet tells a tale
transcending our physical form and qualities. The story created jointly by three dancers
explores the essence of touch in everyday gestures, accidental situations and
exceptional moments, testing the diverse variants and ramifications of corporeal
encounters. Each touch harbours a different, unique quality and information, produces
sensations, and triggers intuitive reactions. touch_me examines that
omnipresent, albeit sometimes overlooked, sensorial plane of our being,
magicking out a choreographic cosmos.
tanzbar_bremen is a collective of dancers, choreographers, theatre instructors,
social workers and cultural practitioners, composed of both able and disabled
members. The goals of the association include educational and artistic
activities with contemporary dance at the core of it, whereby people without
disabilities and those who struggle with various handicaps come together to
collaborate. Such objectives can be pursued thanks to e.g. financial support of
the local government bodies. Apart from continuous training in dance techniques
and further education, the association offers its members an opportunity to
showcase their skills and talents in front of an audience. tanzbar_bremen can
boast numerous theatre productions, most of which have been created and staged
thanks to close collaboration with steptext dance project at Schwankhalle in Bremen.
choreographed and performed by Neele Buchholz, Corinna Mindt, Oskar Spatz
lighting – Timo Reichenberger
dramaturgy – Günther Grollitsch,
Lars Mindt
production – tanzbar_bremen /
steptext dance project, made as part of Modellprojekt KompeTanz
This performance is shown as part of the Common Theatre, an authorial performative arts programme at ZAMEK Culture Centre since 2016. Common Theatre performances are created by milieus facing exclusion due to disability or social circumstances.