TypeArtist in residence
PlaceSala Wielka
Hour g. 19
Date 8.02.2018
Price 15
This will be the crowning piece of Kuba Kapral’s
residency AUDIOZAMEK; an audio drama entitled The Farm, drawing loosely on Orwell’s Animal Farm. There is a crucial difference, though: the British
author addressed Stalinism, while Kapral uses the metaphorical tale of animals
to take a critical look at capitalism in its neo-liberal variety. The drama will be produced live, with audience
participation. All the auditory elements (text read by the authors, sound and
music) will be created in real time. Thanks to such an approach, the audience are
going to have the opportunity of experiencing how an audio play comes into
Dramaturgy/Directed by: Kuba Kapral
Sound Design: Łukasz Kurzawski
Music: Hubert Wińczyk/Patryk Lichota
Starring: Halina Chmielarz
Irena Dudzińska, Wojciech Kalwat, Magdalena Pawelec, Artur Śledzianowski,
Przemysław Chojęta, Kika Wińczyk