ZAMEK Culture Centre

AT THE DUMP\ director: Hanna Rynowiecka

The performances are also accompanied by educational activities and workshops. COMMON THEATRE aspires for an equally powerful effect on the active participants and the audience alike. The effort of overcoming barriers and stereotypes should be made by both.
Performance is a part of the COMMON THEATRE - authorial performative project realize by Zamek Culture Centre in Poznan, which brings us performances created by people from milieus facing social or disability-related exclusion. The eponymous “commonness” denotes first and foremost the universal need to find oneself in a creative process. It is also a token of our intentions and efforts to make theatre created by the disabled or persons facing social exclusion a fully-fledged artistic phenomenon.

NOWI W NOWYM is a group with quite a history. Its mem¬bers are participants of the Occupational Therapy Workshop Przylesie, run by the Association Na Tak. Therapist Hanna Ryno¬wiecka, who since 2006 has been using elements of theatre in her practice, started a collaboration with Wojciech Deneka, the late actor of Teatr Nowy in Poznań. As a result, the actors of Przylesie appeared on a real stage, performing in front of numerous spec¬tators gathered in the auditorium of a professional theatre. When Common Theatre came into being, the company had already made a name for itself, having staged the much talked about The Loony Bin, among other things.

„At the Dump” is staged under artistic guidance of Ewa Szumska, dramatic actress from Teatr Polski in Poznań. In three following years, Szumska would become artistic supervisor and director of Nowi w Nowym subsequent performances.

The dump is a curious place. Quite extraordinary things can take place there. Among the buried memories of what was and dreams of what could be, Painter, Boxer, Artist, Railwayman, Businessman, Security Guard and Enforcement Agent live their lives. Each is seeking their happiness. Will the presence of Rose enable them to discover joy and beauty in a place which seems to lack both? Does the touch of the wings of a dancing Angel is capable of awakening their faith in dreams?  
„At the Dump” is a theatre performance staged by the dramatic group Nowi w Nowym, under artistic guidance and supervision of Hanna Rynowiecka in cooperation with Ewa Szumska.

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Spektakl „Na wysypisku” powstał pod artystyczną opieką Ewy Szumskiej – aktorki poznańskiego Teatru Polskiego. Szumska jest absolwentką Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Teatralnej we Wrocławiu oraz Studium Piosenkarskiego w Poznaniu, laureatką XVII Przeglądu Piosenki Aktorskiej we Wrocławiu. Współpracowała z wieloma teatrami: alternatywnym Obok, Teatrem im. W. Bogusławskiego w Kaliszu, Usta Usta, Montownia w Warszawie, Teatrem Nowym w Poznaniu. Od 2000 roku związana z poznańskim Teatrem Polskim, gdzie zagrała w kilkudziesięciu spektaklach. Ewa Szumska dwukrotnie otrzymała stypendium Prezydenta Miasta Poznania dla młodych twórców, jest też laureatką rankingu Profesjonaliści Forbesa 2014 w kategorii Artysta.




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